Here is the real reason the ECB Stepped in with their own 'Trillion Dollar Bailout' to buy Greek Debt, the house of Fiat Cards would crumble.
See http://www.shadowstats.com/ for the way they've changed HOW they calculate statistics, and updates.
Comparison Chart for 1937 to 2010, of course they didn't have Helicopter Ben or PPT (Plung Protection Team)
Houses were overpriced in all cents of the word.
Why do they keep low interest rates, punish savers? The answer is below;
Banks/Investors are already shifting away from Fiat Money, as they continue to shift to more historical proportions it will put more pressure on prices, to be higher!
Silver has much farther to go than Gold, wait till investor demand really kicks in as it as in Gold.
This is NOT an ordinary recession, it is a depression, based on a delevering private sector, and soon a delevering of the public.
Dilution of the present Fiat money in circulation, wait for velocity of money to increase and its only a matter of time for all of this money creation to come home to roost.

Banks are sitting on this money right now, getting it basically for free from the Federal Reserve, and lending to the Treasury, while they write down losses on their 'assets' which courtsey of changes in FASB accounting rules (Mark to Market was thrown out) they have some breathing room. Velocity of Money is the key to when hyperinflation breaks out, then all this money will come pouring out, either because they are scared to hold, or economic conditions have improved, or ......
Soon, Japan, France, U.S., the U.K. to follow in Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Spains foot steps.
The private sector continues to take money out of the market, que PPT
CFTC will be putting position limits on commodity's (courtsey of the Dodd/Frank reform laws), these sellers (Bullion Banks) will have to become buyers, they either do this by forcing the price lower for a profit, or are forced out for a loss, either way they have to buy it back to exit, which they must at some time.
See the dates on these pictures.
Worried about buying gold/silver now? -thinking it may be a bubble, check some of these charts.
Here are some Charts on Japan. The Yen is high now, but lots of data points to weakening, and the adjustment could be painful.
Insider Selling compared to Insider Buying
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